Thursday, May 12, 2011

"It is best to learn as we go, not go as we have learned."

--Leslie Jeanne Sahler, American writer

True - Very true...

I just took my final quiz a while ago - It went very well...Now - on to preparing for the major "mini" RD Exam... Won't be posting till tomorrow...
“In the end we will conserve only what we love.

We will love only what we understand.

We will understand only what we are taught."

~Baba Dioum (Environmentalist)
I have now crossed off all projects left from my to-do-list...Only two (2) finals left - I take one today, and the other tomorrow...I look forward to take those exams, since the professors for those two classes are my favorite. I am also looking forward to being done with this semester - YES!

P.S. I did not hear from (***) Internship Program, so I'm assuming I didn't get in. I still have chances of getting into one of two programs left from the pool that I applied to - I'll hear from those by the end of this month.

- Tomorrow, I'm going to "do" my loudest SCREAM. I usually scream when I'm done with each semester...Tomorrow will be a special day though.

- Lots of surprises coming on Saturday...