Monday, May 30, 2011

 - Its Monday, May 30, 2011. And its Memorial Day. I chose to type in this color - Champagne red - because this is Monday's "color" in my head. I discovered that almost everyone I ask happens to have a special color for each day of the week in his/her head.

- I cleaned my closet, wardrobe, and desk (the compiled mess of 5 years of college).
- Three days till Grandparents will leave us and go back home...I must mention that they've spent a good six months period with us...It's so sad to see them packing and leaving. However, it will be exactly three weeks and 5 days till we get to see them again in Tunisia, so I'm trying to stay tuned...

 P.S. I will post pictures of the graduation dress and the gifts I got, sometime today. Check those out under the "Graduation Party" post.