Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hennah "Party?"

Sunday, July 3rd, was the graduation party for another cousin of mine. The day before, my sisters and I went with my cousin and her sister to have our hands "designed" with henna and/or "Harqous," or "Nakshah." Many are familiar with the hennah, but not the "Harqous," or "Nakshah." I'm gonna have to write a very lengthy post if I would have to explain what it is. But, the main difference between the two is that the henna is made from a special bush (i.e. its natural stuff), while the Harqous is prepared from chemical items. Also, hennah lasts longer, and Harqous can cause "skin" allergy for many people. I chose to have Harqous on my hands, because: 1) I didn't want to have it for a long time, and: 2) I don't like the smell of Hennah :-)...

I loved the design...

A closer look at the design...

That was enough - I'm done with pictures!

Burnt Bizerte Center

The morning following my cousin's graduation party, I went to the nearest grocery store, namely, Carrefour, which is located in Bizerte Center, a shopping center more commonly known as "Batam" to get some essential grocery for mom. The center is just across the street from my Grandparents' house. During the revolution, a bunch of burglars attempted to burn/destroy the center and take everything that was inside. My cousin took me on a tour to see some of the damage that took place there...

Can you see the effects of the burning on those balconies? They appear to be "smoky," while they should be white, just like the rest of the walls...

It was a bit dark here, so I couldn't take a clear shot, but this is just one completely destroyed boutique...

Tunisian Triplets!

On Monday, June 27th - just a day after we arrived, we went to my cousin's graduation party at his parents' house. And there, I met his amazing "triplets" cousins...

From right to left: Ghada, Anas, and Nouran. They are 12 yrs old.

Three cute "monkeys." Aren't they adorable!

Yes, they let me take a picture with them...