Friday, April 15, 2011

Good morning - Just woke up...Its a very nice day today here in Taif - Warm and sunny. Pity, I can't go out. I already lost 4 hours in shopping yesterday, when I wasn't planning to go, since I have a case study in Clinical I that needs to be submitted before Sunday. Today, I have to finish my last two application packets, which I'll be sending out to two internship programs - my last chance of getting into one of the programs with openings for Fall 2011. Yes, I did apply to 5 Dietetic Internship Programs for Fall 2011 - 2012, and was not matched to any one of them (i.e. did not get a match), so I'm doing the second round now (or at least, my parents are making me do it - grin)...One of my classmates didn't get matched either, and didn't get into the program she applied to for second round. We'll see what happens, and what I can get out of this. Its overwhelming, since I had to do the process all over again for those programs not participating in DICAS Clearing House. Sooo overwhelming. I'll find out what happens by early/mid May...I'm not losing hope, and not going to cry if I didn't get placed....Good luck to all second round applicants!!!