Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.  ~English Proverb
"A good decision made quickly
a great decision made slowly."

~ACHE Webinar

Anas, our Syrian neighbors' baby boy (nick names: Annoosi, and Nannoosi) on my desk chair. Rami - his brother, who's also my brother's best friend brings him downstairs to our apartment every evening. Yesterday, Anas decided he was going to stay longer than he normally does. So, there was enough time to take some pictures...

P.S. Anas is an Arabic name, and means "friendliness," and very sociable.

P.P.S. Our Syrian neighbors live just upstairs. They are also our best friends. We call each other every day, exchange delicious dishes, go to the mall together every Wednesday, and spend lots of time together. Each day, Rami can't wait to get back from school, so he can play with my brother, since he goes to school and my brother is home schooled. The few times they spend away from each other are very stressful on both guys - I feel for them...