Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tunisia, Sweet Home

On Sunday, June 26th, 2011, my family & I, minus Dad will be in FREE Tunisia... To me, Tunisia means spending time with family/relatives, friends, attending weddings, going to the beaches, Souqs, traditional restaurants and cafes, walking on the Corniche and stopping to have Crepe; cleaning my teeth (yes - visiting the dentist :D), a new hair style, and making regular visits to the many marvelous Turkish Baths! This Summer, however, will be a lot different - for all Tunisians, I guess. This is the first Summer after the successful revolution of my truly amazing country people. To me, this will also be the first summer in which I return to my family as a proud K-State Graduate, after being an Undergraduate for 5 years. Also, this summer, our Syrian neighbors are coming to Tunisia - Oh, what a joy! Rami, thanks for insisting on your parents that you need to be next to your one true friend, my brother; You did a good job! Khala Umm Rami, don't worry! You're going to love my country!

Other notes: Three days until my family and I will be in Free Tunisia.

- We have a sparkling, clean apartment now: scrubbed floors and walls, and shampooed rugs.
- Graduate School Application submitted! Please, wish me the best this time!
- Its 12:30 past midnight, and I need to shut down my computer and go to bed...