Wednesday, May 25, 2011



I have been very busy these past few days, because...My sister came home!!! Yup! Sister in MIT came home on Sunday, May 22nd, 2011, at 12:30 PM. Mom, Dad, my sister, my brother, my brother's best friend (who also happens to be a neighbor), and I all went to pick her up from the airport. Grandparents were awaiting her at home - Welcome home, Sista!!! Sister is two years younger than me, but she's a very important "pillar" that holds our family all together. My sister is a very nice person, helpful, and lovely. All people who meet her, love her immediately...She loves children A LOT! At least, more than I do, sometimes ;) She is an extremely smart and bright student (sophomore at MIT), but a family girl at the same time. She's the "peace maker/" harmony person of our family...The Boss - yes, she's a bit bossy, but we don't mind that...Sweet sister! Welcome home, sweetie!!!

                                Sister does school here. No comment...

P.S. Sister is still "suffering" from jet lag (we're 7 hours ahead of EST). She sleeps at 3:00 AM, and wakes up at noon - Poor sister. She has three months and a half to "adjust."


I've worked on this desk for the past 5 years...It normally never looks like this. In fact, it took me nearly two hours to make it look like this!

My first treats, after graduation. Dad also brought me "Loacker" Chocolate Wafers, but we ate them all, before I could take a picture :D