Monday, October 17, 2011

The Day...

It was The Day when Dad and our neighbors arrived to Tunisia - our neighbors coming to our country for the first time. We were to pick them up from the airport, bring them over to have lunch with us then show them the way to the hotel. I spent the day with my family helping in cleaning the house, cooking and setting up the tables. I took care of our apartment upstairs, mopped the entire house, cut the salad, took care of all the dish washing, and set up two big tables. Grandma and mom cooked, and siblings and cousins cleaned downstairs. Airplane arrives at 4:00 PM, so whoever is going to meet them at the airport had to be there by 3:30 PM. Everyone left the house by 2:30 PM. Someone had to stay though to keep an eye on everything. So, I volunteered to stay ;) Later though, my two aunts caught up on me, after they finished work, took a shower, and changed their clothes. Luckily, our special guests arrived just in time when we finished placing all the food on the tables. We had a wonderful day, introducing our neighbors to the family (both knew each other, but never face-to-face like this!). We spent the time talking/chatting, laughing, and hugging each other - clearly in disbelief they made it to Tunisia. Clearly, brother was very happy to have his best friend with him now.

Late in the evening, we took a walk on the ever...

From left to right: Mr. Rami, his mother, Me....

P.S. @ Khammash family: Syria will become free, the Dictator will fall down sooner or later, and you'll all be able to go back home. Can't wait to see your beautiful country. Long live "Hamat!" Will always keep you in my prayers...

P.S.S  I am way behind in my blogging. There has been a lot going on, and I'm just not catching up. I do want to finish uploading Tunis pictures first thought, since it has been a special vacation.