Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trip to Tunis, the Capitol

Habib Bourgibah Street, just steps away from the Ministry of Interior Affairs (building behind me).

Next to one of the many police cars lined along the street. FYI, I did take permission from the two police men standing behind before I take this picture; they were very nice to let me do so.

And next to the National Guard. They were very kind to open a way for me through the barbed wires/fences, so I could get to their Jeep to take this picture. Two soldiers led me through, and one of them took this picture for me.

"Revolution"  graphiti! Phrase translates to: "Down falls the dictatorship of parties." 

Court of Justice at Beb Bnet, Tunis...

At the Municipality "court yard."

National Guard after performing their daily duty - pulling the flag down and taking it away, to be raised the next morning. Hats off to them! Long live Tunisia!
P.S. I want one of those outfits. They may not be very clear in this picture, since I was not allowed to take a closer picture, and was only allowed to take a picture of their "posterior." The outfits are more sophisticated than they look here...They look kind of similar to one of "Aladidn's" outfits - They are a piece of work.