Wednesday, May 25, 2011



I have been very busy these past few days, because...My sister came home!!! Yup! Sister in MIT came home on Sunday, May 22nd, 2011, at 12:30 PM. Mom, Dad, my sister, my brother, my brother's best friend (who also happens to be a neighbor), and I all went to pick her up from the airport. Grandparents were awaiting her at home - Welcome home, Sista!!! Sister is two years younger than me, but she's a very important "pillar" that holds our family all together. My sister is a very nice person, helpful, and lovely. All people who meet her, love her immediately...She loves children A LOT! At least, more than I do, sometimes ;) She is an extremely smart and bright student (sophomore at MIT), but a family girl at the same time. She's the "peace maker/" harmony person of our family...The Boss - yes, she's a bit bossy, but we don't mind that...Sweet sister! Welcome home, sweetie!!!

                                Sister does school here. No comment...

P.S. Sister is still "suffering" from jet lag (we're 7 hours ahead of EST). She sleeps at 3:00 AM, and wakes up at noon - Poor sister. She has three months and a half to "adjust."

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